GREENMAX EPS Foam Densifier Realizes the Valuable Process of EPS Foam Cup Recycling

The growing catering service industry is the main driving force for the growth of the global EPS foam cup market, especially the fast-food industry.

Nowadays, with the acceleration of the pace of life, people don’t have enough time to cook, so they turn to fast food. Fast food has gradually become a way of life, and packaging waste such as coffee cups is also increasing. When people enjoy delicious food, garbage packaging is also polluting our environment. The popularity of EPS foam densifier becomes very necessary in this case.

In fact, most of these cups are made of EPS foam, a plastic substance extracted from oil. EPS foam is widely used in various fields, but it cannot be degraded naturally for hundreds of years after being abandoned. In recent years, with the increasing amount of EPS foam waste, some areas have to prohibit or replace such materials.

A few months ago, McDonald’s, a fast-food chain, announced a new recycling target, hoping to achieve it by 2025. They will increase recycling and plan to eliminate all bubble packaging by the end of this year.

We don’t know if this is good news, but if there is a better way, why not? EPS foam is recyclable, but there are always some problems in the recycling process. EPS foam densifier may be able to solve these problems.

The bulky foam itself is difficulty of recycling. EPS foam contains more than 95% air, is light in weight, and large in size. It takes up a lot of space during storage and transportation. In order to solve the problem of recyclers, GREENMAX designed an EPS foam densifier for EPS foam cup and other foam products recycling.

GREENMAX EPS foam densifier is famous for its melting technology, especially in the United States. After crushing, melting, extrusion, and other processes, loose foams can be turned into compact ingots in proportion to 90:1, and EPS foam ingot is easy to transport and more favored by recyclers.

The recycling of polystyrene foam cups is a valuable process for our economic and ecological society. Therefore, due to the wide use of foam cups, we need to know more about the recycling of foam cups.