Applying Styrofoam Compactor is More Efficient Than Looking for Alternatives

Now plastic products, especially Styrofoam, are abused, and people are trying to find alternatives, such as paper products. But a British study found that paper bags have three times the carbon footprint of standard plastic shopping bags and can also lead to deforestation. This seems to be unfortunate news, but in fact, for Styrofoam, we have other options to control its abuse, such as recycling.

Compared with the government’s decision to issue a Styrofoam ban, Styrofoam recycling can deal with the generated Styrofoam trash and complete the second use of resources, but it has a serious disadvantage: the cost of recycling is too high. This disadvantage hindered the development of Styrofoam recycling until a company like GREENMAX launched a Styrofoam recycling machine called Styrofoam compactor.

In fact, the use effect of Styrofoam compactor has been confirmed in the Norwegian fish market, which solves the problem of stacking waste Styrofoam fish boxes every day. Styrofoam compactor contains cutter and screw. Firstly, the waste fish box is crushed by a cutter to facilitate the screw operation, and the air in Styrofoam is extruded to produce a Styrofoam block with a compression ratio of 50:1.

Styrofoam block without air is easy to stack, transport, and sell. Because of the operation of the Styrofoam compactor, fishmongers can make profits by selling Styrofoam blocks, turning waste into treasure, and preventing Styrofoam trash from entering the environment.

As for Styrofoam pollution, the best way is to find alternative materials for Styrofoam, but at the same time, why can’t we carry out Styrofoam recycling to alleviate the pollution?

In fact, using Styrofoam recycling machine for recycling is an excellent strategy for enterprises. Because for the endless search for alternatives, it is obvious that the recovery speed will be faster. Moreover, the green system of Styrofoam recycling machine is a method to combine environmental protection with profit.